Due to the COVID-19 Virus at this time we are only having drive up service on Sundays at 11:00 am. Please follow safety guidelines. Wednesday Bible Study services will be online on facebook until further notice.
Drive up service guidelines according to the state: attendees should remain in their cars (windows down), parked in every other parking spot. Church is considered “essential service” at this time, please maintain appropriate social distancing. Also, the CDC recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain.
You are going to notice a few new things as we adjust to these strange times. First, you'll notice we are having "drive up services" on Sundays to comply with the current health and safety guidelines. Second, the Wednesday service is broadcast through facebook live for the same reasons. Third, to keep us learning and growing together we are developing our online presence. Our goal is to continue to spread The Good News and to minimize the feeling of isolation. There are a few links at the bottom of the page to help you explore... There is not so much in these new spaces now, but soon we will begin to fill them together. We are looking forward to these new experiences and interactions and can't wait for you to join us.