Church of the Living God has resumed our regular Sunday services. We will be of course observing social distancing and masks can certainly be worn. For right now we will be still having our Wednesday service online but will let you know when that is changed.

We look forward to seeing you! God Bless.


Updated Service Times

Online Services:
7:00 pm Bible Study

Weekly Services:
9:30 am Bible Class "Growing Deeper"
10:30 am Prayer
11:00 am Worship Service

Social Distancing together

We have a public facebook page as well as a men’s & women’s GroupMe for members. Watch for Pastor Wasson’s facebook live videos. We will also be adding youtube content soon.

Follow us on Instagram and look for #clgbrownwood prompts to participate in.


Ministry Goals

  • Benevolence: Clothing Provision & Distribution, Food Pantry & Provision

  • Church Care and Grounds Keeping Maintenance

  • Bus/Transportation

  • Ushers, Teen ministry, Children's Ministry, & Nursery care

  • Choir, Praise & Worship Music

  • Communications: Journalism, Newsletter, Tract, Web design, Media (Radio/CD), Technology

  • Ministry of Helps: Organizational, Hospitality, Special Events Coordinator

  • Outreach: Local (Community/Area), Finding ministry opportunities within the local community

  • Missions: Local, National, & Global;

  • New Convert & discipleship ministry, Mentors

  • Creative ministries: Play/Productions, praise dance, inspirational song, & visual arts

  • Prayer Team Outreach for hospital, Shut-in, & Senior/rehab facilities

  • Men's & Young Men's Group/Study; Women's & Young Women's Group/Study
    ~ Do you have an idea for a ministry field? Please share it with us.